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中国女企业家协会(CHINA ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS,英文缩写:CAWE)始建于1985年,是经中华人民共和国民政部注册登记,国内唯一具有社团法人资格的联合性、全国性、非营利性的女企业家联合组织。中国女企业家协会是中国企业联合会和中华全国妇女联合会的团体会员,并于2000年获得了联合国经社理事会咨商地位。中国女企业家协会接受业务主管单位国务院国有资产监督管理委员会和社团登记管理机关民政部的业务指导和监督管理。


China Association of Women Entrepreneurs (hereinafter, as CAWE) established in 1985 and registered at Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Public of China, which is the sole domestic association of women entrepreneurs with associated, national and non-profit aggregate corporation qualification. CAWE is a team member of China Enterprise Confederation and All-China Women’s Federation. It obtained consultative status of Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 2000. CAWE accepted business direction, supervision and management of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Civil Affairs Department of Community Registration Administration.

The tenet of CAWE is: adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, sticking to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, persisting in reform and development; serving the overall situation of national economic and social reform and development, serving women entrepreneurs and their enterprises, maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of women entrepreneurs, promoting sense of law-abiding and self-discipline as well as playing a role of link-up between women entrepreneurs and the government.



After 30 years of development, there are 120 team members of the existing provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and direct-controlled municipalities and counties, 1,373 direct members and over 30,000 indirect members in CAWE. Members include domestic successful women entrepreneurs, outstanding senior management talent and female elite from all walks of life, which make the association bright with the incomparably beautiful scene.









     “Big circle” represents the earth, reflecting the strategic positioning of China Association of Women Entrepreneurs. Implied meaning: Chinese women entrepreneurs should be based in China and facing the world.

     “Small circle” stands for the sun, representing the strategic objectives of Chinese women entrepreneurs, creating wealth and contributing to society through innovation and entrepreneurship. Implied meaning: Hope, wealth, and dedication.

      “Two hands” presents ways and methods of Chinese women entrepreneurs’ realizing their strategic goals. Implied meaning: The lifting-up slender hands symbolizes women entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial spirits of unremitting self-improvement, forging ahead in unity.

        Overall meaning: Chinese women entrepreneurs, based in China and facing the world, constantly create wealth and contribute to the society through the use of entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, unremitting self-improvement and forging ahead in unity so as to bring new hope to the human beings.


  • 信息交流 国际合作 专业培训 咨询服务  
  • 协会
  • 国家级
  • 100会员以下
  • 20万人民币
  • 1994


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